Blogging blasts from the past

As explained in a previous post, at one point or another I was quite into World of Warcraft. Well, today I found out just how much...

You see, I do remember doing a little blogging on the subject a while back ( 2007/08) - but those links were long forgotten and with them all record of that period of time... but I found them! And there were many posts!!

I had no idea that I'd written so much, and seeing as this blog is for me to flex the occasional creative writing muscle I've consolidated all those old posts into this blog under the very clever sub category World of Warcraft so that all evidence of what I've written past and present are here in historical format. I must admit, I did enjoy re-reading some of that old stuff - some of it lasting well and sounding very much like me... and some utter twoddle. But for the main part, a very enjoyable revisit. Check them out if the subject matter of WoW and hunters interests you, or the scrutiny of people's past works gives you a kick also.

I may well do the same for a raft of posts I started and never finished on our honeymoon in Kenya experiences. Watch this space.


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