1. Levelling
Haven’t been questing in quite some time (been doing the odd instance, pvp, auction house, pouting) - and I’d forgotten how satisfying it is. Especially as in Outland I’m touching content that I’ve not done 100 times with various alts! So its great. Why level? Well I’m of course trying to get to 70 so that I have my full compliment of abilities, and I’ve also promised myself not to chase down any armour sets or other shiny crap until I’ve hit 70. That’s incentive - shiny things rock.
2. Refining Skills
I’m not the best player. And being a hunter in alot of cases you can afford to be lazy because well… you can. You have the tools. So I’m trying to make sure I start nailing down hunter basics, and work on my kiting and chain trapping. All ready for eventual dungeon runs.
3. Getting Professions up
Rubbish at it. I didn’t mine that much at early levels, and had it not been for the fact that most things are skinable along the way my skinning would probably be hosed to. Luckily the only thing staring me in the face and causing me progression issue is… mining. Grrr. Have to hit lower levels and claw it up to respectable. As for fishing, first aid and cooking. Don’t get me started.
4. Trying to do the odd instance
I’ve dodged these for my whole WoW career. I rarely have time (2-3 hour stints) and as such I am completely lost when it comes to strategy, knowledge, and self awareness (i.e what my class is suppose to be good at!). I muddle through when I do get involved. But I want to be better. So in summary, make more time for instances, and try and avoid angering Ael by pulling no-shows.
5. Sponsoring Aughra
A buddy of mine from work plays a Dwarf Hunter, and is currently languishing at level 20. When he’s on I try and help if I can, with pointers, spec advice, tips and tricks, and phyiscally get involved in stuff if it doesn’t deter from his experience. I don’t usually agree with boosting people, but seeing as he’s not on that much right now I going to help him get equipped with some reasonable items for his level, and assist him in any dungeon quests he has - as long as he’s able to learn from it and is struggling to group. It would be all to easy to dump 100g on him and get him glowing gear, but 4 levels later it would be wasted and what we he have learned huh. Huh.
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