Addon: Rating Buster

How do people survive without it? Install this addon, and when you hover over a piece of gear - along with all the information from the item and auctioneer (if you have it installed) comes a break down of how this piece of kit affects your stats compared to the equivalent piece of whatever you’re wearing. If its better you get positive green numbers - if its worse you get negative red. What could be simpler! You can even confiure it to show you the specific stats you’re interested in (for me normally Health (stam), Crit (agility and crit rating), Mana (intellect).

So if I have my Hunting Spear on (its enchanted with a +25 agility as well as its already awesome crit strike rating), and hover over the Sonic Spear I can see that it pwns most of my stats except for crit. Which is minor. So is it a good investment? Yeah sure. Its an upgrade.
Now take this example and consider everytime you nervously hover over the Buyout button on a new piece of kit.

“It ‘looks’ like it should improve my agility over that other bow I have equiped, but I might lose damage because this one has a crit strike increase. Shouldn’t be much though….er, er…. DAMMIT AUCTION HOUSE HAVE MY GOLD I MUST KNOW!!!”.

Then the agony of:

“OH C’MON!!! - its killed my crit rating and the agility increase is nothing!! waaahhhhh” /wrists
Not with rating buster! Its got the info on hover, and you can make an informed decision based on math not gut feeling (or even worse, writting everything down and calculating it, and blah blah *math=snore*

And what’s better than finding a bit of kit in the wild and getting the all clear from rating buster that you can equip it immediately and it will boost your stats…

.. nothing.


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