Hi! Long time no post…

Hello. So, I took a break from WoW for a bit. No particular reason, I just didn’t feel the urge to log in.

But I’m back (for now), and I’m really enjoying my time online. Maybe a little hiatus now and again is just the trick to get enthausiasm flowing…
Anyway! Status update.

Lofgrin is now at the heady heights of level 67! ZOMG. I absolutely ploughed through level 66 when I came back. Went from a fraction into the first bar to full level in a weekend. Now, that doesn’t sound particularly epic, but I must only have been on for a couple of hours maximum each day. So levelling that quick is killing it in my book. Level murder. Committed. Eh?

Er… where was I. Oh yes. So, 66 down - and already getting a 1/4 into 67. And most of that is down to the shameless time sink that is the quest lines for killing Tarbucks, Windrocs, and Clefthoofs in Nagrand. If I wasn’t a skinner I’m not sure how I would have got through it. Kill 30 of this, kills 30 of that… are you insane! Luckily I do skin, and I did skin, and I stand to make some wonga out of it. Woot. But what do I get when I hand those quests in, all pleased with my stamina and dedication… huh, huh? That’s right, “Ok, great…er, now kill 30 more of each.”
RAGE!!! Kill them yourself! I’m off to do something else for a while before I tear my own eyes out!

Apart from that, things are good. I’ve aquired a couple of new bits of kit of course, the guild has integrated some membership from another guild - meaning that at all times there are alot more people on. Awesome. And… that’s all for now.


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