The dentist paused and allowed the drill to whir down....
Dentist: "Hmm, seems the decay is worse than I thought"
Me: "Thought that's what the xray was for?"
Dentist: "Indeed, but it didn't show very well. This is far more decayed than I initially thought"
Me: "Sooooo, what does this mean?"
Dentist: "Er.... we'll just pack more filling into it - should be ok"
This "should be ok story" was getting old but I no longer had designs on legging it, I wanted this over and done with so I could get the hell outta here. This guy owed me a filling!
After a further flurry with the drill he was done, and began working on the filling. Having avoided an injection I was still left feeling groggy with the addition of worried and in pain, but there was light at the end of the tunnel and although the packing of the tooth was deeply uncomfortable I knew things we coming to a head.
Finally he uttered the magic words that he was done, and I limped my ass out of his domain feeling far worse than when I went in. He wiped the sweat from his brow and bd me farewll, but there was however more insult to come:
Receptionist: "That'll be £xx"
Me: "Whatever. Here's my card"
Receptionist: "We don't take card"
Me: "What the hell? What kind of place doesn't take card. I mean, this is a surgery isn't it? This is a busines right?"
Receptionist: "We only take cash"
Me: "This is crazy! I don't carry around £xx in cash!"
Receptionist: "Well there's a cash point around the corner, I can come with you and you can withdraw the cash for us"
Ok, this had personal burglary written all over it. But I was defenceless, twitching from the filling compound ache and weary from the ordeal - so I offered to withdraw the cash as requested but I would go alone thanks very much. SURELY YOU NEED TO BE HERE!!
I made my way to the cash machine and withdrew the ammount required to the nearest £10, questioning myself over actually paying and thinking more than twice about simply walking home - but I'd been asked to leave my keys there to ensure I returned. Mind boggling.
Anway, I headed back paid them IN CASH and got my measly change. I got home, took some paracetomol and crashed on the sofa. It had not been the best experience.
I would crack a tooth two more times after this incident, over the space of a number of years. What can I say, I like boiled sweets. The first time I returned to my dentist in my hometown (yep, I made the effort to go there especially) and although more expensive I didn't feel a thing. There were a number of assistants, the dentist explained what he was doing, and they had a glowy heated wand thing that sealed the compound immediately meaning I could eat on it straight away. What's more I trusted them. The second time I went to my wifes dentist with whom I was recently registered and again it was almost a pleasure - painless, friendly, easy, and professional. And long may that tradition continue!
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