A couple of weekends back I had gotten rid of the spare double bed we had, and it went from audious chore to enourmous fun in the space of about 5 minutes. The reason? A hammer. The bed was a duvan, and as such was made up of two hallow frames (so it could accomodate drawers) wrapped in fabric - so basically you have two boxes as the base. Having lugged them all the way downstairs, panting and sweating, I quickly came to realise that they weren't going in the boot. I hadn't really wanted to start my day messing around with furniture, and I still wasn't convinced that the bed in whole form wasn't worth some money. But the powers that be (Emma) had determined it junk so junk it was. Fine, but how was I going to get it to the dump. Hammer time baby!! I only have a little claw hammer but man, it made short work of it. I was jumping, leaping, stamping, slamming, clawing, wrenching, and destroying to my hearts content - I reduced it to splinters I'm telling you. FUN!
Wait, what? How did I get onto that? Anwyway, so I had this room to clear and the main contributer to my reluctance was the computer desk. This room has been my domain for 2 years now, and has been basically a boys room of things that are fun. Computer(s) in the corner, shelving full of CD's and old consoles and games, guitar(s) and amps about the place, it was great. At any turn there was something of mine, something to play with - and now the baby wanted it out! I don't really mind of course, I rejoice in the thought of converting this space into a babies room and Emma has some brilliant ideas surrounding that, but where the hell was all my stuff going to go? Where was I going to sit at my computer and do what I do? Where was I going to practice being a rock and roll star? Where was I going to lay on the floor with all my CD's around me putting them into some clever order? Dammit, where was I going to hide!! Bit by bit I started dismantling things. The computer desk now resides in our bedroom... on my side of the bed - which is about as far away from a power plug as can be in that room. The shelving went to a better home and my cd's nestle sheepishly in a smaller unit in the landing. All the rest, yep still in there. Hence the title.
You see I was left to my own devices most of Saturday last week, with one clear message coming from my wife... "Clear out the room before I kill you until you are dead from it!!!" or words to that effect. As the whip crashed over me I begged to be left to it while she.... er, went out and had fun I think. Anyway, I started immediately (after a quick game of Call of Duty 4) on dismantling the computer desk. It was dusty. I made a mess. I broke the desk a little. It was a sunny day. I got hot. I got fed up. But I completed that task all the same, and it fit pretty well into our room and I considered the fact that we would now be able to watch DVD's or even downloaded or streamed content - a nice little byproduct actually. But there was more to be done, and I started back immediately (after a quick sit down and some TV) to the spare room to continue. The last break had drained my enthausiasm, but nevertheless I decided the next step was to stick some items in the loft, one of which was a TV stand that I've never been able to find the screw key for. Well, I found it straight away (who knew actually looking would work) and I made short work of it's breakdown and now I had a good size pile of stuff to put in the loft. The day was now cooking and I considered another break - and before I knew it I was outside with a cup of tea. Suddenly hungry I gave Emma a ring to see what she wanted to do about lunch, and the response was "I've already eaten". Perfect. And that marked the end of that session. I'd bottom'd out on that bomb shell.
What does this mean? What this means is this weekend, the glorious sunny bank holiday weekend, will be spent finishing that room so that it is ready to decorate next weekend. And that kids is why you should do what you're told and finish something when you say you will...
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