What I'm listening too

I have to drive an hour to work via two pretty much full time stacked motorways, and then an hour back home - which has on occasion spanned as long as 3 hours if there is an accident. I'm sure this is not uncommon for a number of people.

Doing at least two hours in a car each day gives me ample opportunity to listen to music, and the CD player is rarely off during my commute.

This week in the passenger seat and raring to go, and by way of a top 5, have been:

1. Drive-by Truckers - The Dirty South
2. Patterson Hood - Murdering Oscar
3. Drive-by Truckers - Brighter than Creations Dark
4. Joe Bonamassa - Ballad of John Henry
5. Wilco - Sky Blue Sky

Stand out tracks across the albums; Where the Devil Don't Go (Dirty South), Murdering Oscar (title track), Funkier than a Mosquitos tweeter (Balld of John Henry), and That man I shot (Brighter than Creations Dark).

Sometimes it's a pleasure to have a long commute :-)


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