Who the...

Hello! Welome to my humble blog.

First things first, I’m not a hardcore WoW player… and I never will be. If you are after deep and thoughtful theorycrafting, or advanced playing tactics, then there are much better blogs than this one that will satisfy that craving (check out my blogroll for example). My intentions for the blog are much more lighthearted. A virtual diary of what I’m doing and what I’ve accomplished in WoW, the people I play with, things I’ve learned and how it may help you, the odd bit of “check this item out it rules because..” and probably a few “there was this one time, in a cave…”.
If there are any of you left then let me tell you a little bit about myself:

I’ve been playing WoW pretty casually on and off for a couple of years. Yes, you would think that in that time I would have a couple of decently high level characters and have come to grips with the gameplay aspects so that it was second nature. Well, I don’t always get big chunks of game time (I’m a grown up don’t you know) so I can tell you now - I am still learning the game. I’ve found a couple of classes I like playing (which obviously I’ll end up talking about), with a current and very heavy preference toward my Hunter - Lofgrin. Who is level 61, respectively (as we speak).

Lof is the first character I’ve managed to stick with, and we’ve been through a good portion of the old world content and are now fighting for our lives in Outland.
So anyway, that’s the highlights.

More soon.


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