Office Wrestling

Me: *grapples*
Co-worker: *supplexes*
Me: *1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 punch in the corner*
Co-worker: *reverses, followed by a slap to the chest, runs to the other corner, removes turn buckle cover, grabs him and throws him face first into expsoed metalwork*
Co-worker: * runs to opposite corner, face crowd, peels off elbow guard, lifts it to the gods of wrestling, throws it into the crowd, screaming blonde catches, sniffs and faints, turns in time to land a flying elbow drop*
Me: *barrel rolls out of the ring, picks up the chair, puts it down, picks up a wooden spoon, puts it down, picks up some chesse, throws it on the ring floor. Clambers back into the ring, gets opponent in a DDT between the legs, falls backwards to execute move, half way down utters the words "smell my cheese", and watches his opponent struggle with the thought of being locked between my legs with the strong odour of cheese thrashing at his nostrils...*


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