For days (perhaps only a day maybe...) I slurped my tea back with wild abandonment. It felt like being at home. Except I wasn't.
Then one day (the same day maybe...) it seemed necessary to wash out the previous beverage's remains and stains so off to the kitchenette I went, and meh. It got left on the side with dozens of other best intentions. When I returned the next day enthausmed for more cup fun and a whole new perspective on washing up, she was gone - stolen away as if it was one of those plain permantely stained cups provided by the work place. Gone.
I easily fell back into my polostyrene ways and the "make, drink, and drop" style remained mine and still does to this very day.
Every now and again when I've attened site in the depths of night for on call reasons I've seen my cup, either on the wash board filthy, or prestine in the cupboard and I always use it on these occasions. But again it is destined to realise its usual fate.
But today, when I needed it most, when I'd been up all night with Olivia and thoughts of coffee and awakeness burnt in my mind all the live long way to work - what should be greeting me when I cannot falter the lock on the cupboard that stores the polostyrere cups?
My cup. And I will never let you go again!!
...until you are dirty.
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