I was looking through Big Red Kitty and took a look at the addon section of his blog. I hadn’t really tampered with addons much, I did install a boat load from a PCGamer DVD one-time - but all versions had subsequently become obselete.
There were a few on his list that intriuged me, so I found some lastest versions and added a few.
Firstly I threw on zHunter - a mod that gives you the ability to hover over a beast and see what skills are available to you should you attempt to tame it. Very useful, and it helps you cherry pick the ones you want instead of trying them all. Of course, at lvl 20 you gain an ability “Beast Lore” to do the same thing… but hey, this way I just hover. Works for me.
I also installed Atlas - this gives you dungeon plans basically, and you can see where bosses are, where certain key NPC’s are, and reveals the outline of the whole dungeon. Very useful when instancing and for finding where the quest item you are after drops.
Now the two that I no longer wish to play without:
- Auctioneer - modestly, it gives you more options at the auction house, in fact it gives you the ability to NOT search the whole auction house looking for proce comparisons… it does it for you! This has helped me massively, as I don’t like spending ages looking through prices at the auction house and I don’t know how much to pop my items up for. Auctioneer gives you an average when you add items up and a quick modify here and there and you’re away. Got 20 wool? Throw it up and see what auctioneer suggests you sell it for. Its helped me make money from my material collections I pick up as I walk around, and that’s good enough for me.
- Titan XP - this is brilliant. I’ve configured it so that I only have an information bar at the bottom, but it tracks my ammo, my XP per hour, my bag space, my framerate, money available, and I also have the actual time for my location. Little things that are just VERY useful to have at a glance of an eye. This is by far my favourite addon so far.
I also bumped up my resolution (why did I have it on 1024 x 800?), but just bumping it up a notch means I have more real estate for buttons on my screen and a very nice increase in picture quality. Pleased.
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