As you know, I’m mounted. :-) One day as I was getting off my whitestriped nightsabre, and my pet appeared loyally by my side it struck me. It would be possible to find a pet the same colour as my mount. Thus giving the impression (now, use your imagination here) that I wasn’t dismissing my pet but simply, er… mounting him. Riding him if you will. (damn the inuendo!)
I’ve so far been finding the lower 40’s pretty uninpiring. After the gallop (miander) to lvl 40 and a few cool skills and my first ever mount, it felt like my next big goals were lvl 50 (finish up my BM tree) and then lvl 60 (start getting invited in cool stuff, and hunting around for omgwtfawesome gear). But the areas I’m in (back in stinking STV) weren’t getting me excited about levelling. I needed a reason to make progress other than I thought I should be, and my next pet upgrade felt like a decent enough drive.
Rufus, my loveable STV tiger has been great. I’ve had him for about 10 levels, and he was the first pet that had dash, and the first pet I bothered to look into damage with. I.e, claw Vs Bite. Mobs have stuck to him like glue, and I can’t fault cats. They are just great. But he wasn’t the same colour as my mount, and I needed to make that happen because.. well, it has the potential to be awesome sauce.
So I hit petopia and looked for the skin I wanted. Low and behold King B sprung up, a lvl 43 elite. Puuurfect. I was level 41 but I wanted to make sure I knew where he was so that when it came time (lvl 43) to trap him I could hit the mark and get it done quick.
Levelling in STV is just torture now, but before I knew it I was 42 and half way to 43. I had a quest that involved Trolls (around lvl 37-39), and I decided I would just farm them until I levelled up. They were great fodder, taking them down normally in around 10 seconds. Easily doable 3 at a time, and on one occasion 6!
After not too long (a few sessions/nights considering I don’t play alot) I did the fateful ding and headed back to the stables to drop off Rufus. I would not abandon him. HELL NO! If the King B thing went bad, or any other completely unlikely random event I wanted to know that Rufus was waiting in a ready to kill position.
On my way to the King I tamed a Gorilla. Why not. He might come in useful to clear the way to the King. He was not. Not trained, not loyal, nothing stuck to him. However, he did enough to add some damage to the cause and soon enough I was one to one with B.
Trapping him was a cake ride. I dropped the icetrap, pullshot the King and immediately started taming. By the time he snared the trap he was almost half mine.. and he dinged into my possesion without even getting a hit in. Easy. I immediately screen shot him, then me on my mount, and gloated to my guild about my uberness in pet/mount fashion. I don’t think they respect it. I don’t care, it rocks and you know it!
So I’m now lvl 43 and going well. New pet to work with and train, which is always nice, and now I’m looking to see which area to hit next.
I’m coming for you level 44!!
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