Taming Beasts

This is something I’d imagine everyone new to the class quickly comes to grips with, but suffers a few savage attacks in the trial and error stage. I remember the early days when I would try and tame an animal that was higher levels than I, and wondered why it kept failing and chewing me up.

Well, I’m all better now and I’ve got trapping licked. I reckon.

Its a simply strategy involving freezing trap. Simple find the desired beast, flip on aspect of the monkey (for when the beast eventually comes for you - your improved dodge rating will lower his effectiveness), lay a trap, and wait 30 seconds. This allows your trap cooldown to expire so if things go wrong you can immediately drop an emergency trap at your feet - remember traps last one minute when placed so you have time. Now pull the beast towards you, get some distance from the trap, and watch him get snarred. Then hammer Tame Beast. That’s 20 seconds of uniterupted taming, and only 10 seconds to survive a pounding when the beast is released. If you have gotten a decent distance away from the trap before the beast was frozen, by the time he gets to you he’ll only have the chance to throw a half arsed claw at you before he’s humping your leg and begging for food.

Since I’ve had freezing trap I have never struggled to trap a pet, and have in all cases avoided getting a right kicking.

I’m sure you could work on this further, say, drop a frost trap (slows target), wait 30 seconds, pull the beast, get some distance, drop a freezing trap, get some distace, start Taming Beast. With some strategic trap placing he’d have to made it through the slowing frost, then get frozen for 20 seonds. I’m sure you’d be able to tame without him even getting close. Hmm, might try that out.


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