
Ha! Dueling... I've never done it before. It annoys me alot, the whole "Blah blah has asked to Duel". Blah blah being a level 70 whatever who is now doing the chicken dance and lol'ing you. Whatever dude.

But I was offered a duel while in Gaget last night, and the guy was a few *cough* levels lower than myself. A warrior (I'm a hunter). So I thought, meh, why not.

It was a short fight. He charged, I dropped an ice trap, activated Bestial Wrath and sent my cat in. It absolutely tore him to pieces. Before I'd even got range to let of a shot, the fight was over.
"%&@$ your pet!" "N00b" "You activated all your cooldowns" "And your pet was immune to everything".

I exclaimed that my angry claw'ry, big red cat had torn him a new one and to live with it. Then the claims of cheat etc came in. And also...

"I have a hunter. A lvl 70"

But of course.

He demanded a rematch, now he was buffed and ready for my tactic. *what tactic...*

Anyway, once again he charges, I drop a frost trap, get range.. and this time he lasts long enough for me to get off a shot of Arcane and a couple of auto's. Dead again. This time he says nothing, while the crowd around us lol. He smacked me a bit more, and then challenged the 70 Paladin watching to a duel. One hit dead. And this went on for some time, much to my amusement.

Fun thought it was to beat someone who was a few *cough* levels lower, I did notice a couple of things I struggled with. (1) I didn't notice when he switched from passive to aggresive (when the fight enabled) so he was able to make the first move (didn't see the count down). It didn't make much difference but obviously his charge stunning me for a few. (2) I was struggling to lock onto him (click) and my trusty tab button kept picking up bi-standers.

So in case of dueling, and to see if useful in battlegrounds as well, I'm off to make an "Assist Pet" macro that targets whoever kitty is ripping.

Also I need to create a macro that does something like /point /wave

And that's my dueling experience...



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