So I’ve started playing World of Warcraft again. Talked into it by a mate *shifts blame*, and enjoying it massively when I have the opportunity to log on.
Having played EVE online on and off (mostly on) for almost two years, things had gotten stale and my lack of available time for games dwindled so much that it was hard to sustain an existance in EVE. It demands huge time investment.
World of Warcraft on the other hand is a different kettle of fish (read: orcs). You are not punished for putting in a small amount of time, although it could be argued that you miss out on various group/raid aspects which can take hours to complete. However for the casual gamer that I am, I can log in when I like, play for however long I wish, and log at a moments notice. Ideal.
So having come back to the game after a long break, I decided to press on with my main character “Kortez” my Human Warrior. I quickly grew tired of the class (10 minutes) and decided that with this fresh start I needed a fresh face. Off to the character creation screen (woot).
I decided upon a Night Elf Hunter. Lofgrin. Facinated by the use of a pet, and having no experience with long range combat I thought a hunter was the way to go. Skip ahead 10 levels to when you get a pet, and I was suprised to find that the disposing of mobs was relatively easy compared to my warrior. It was viable to handle mobs 3-4 levels higher and come out well and truly ontop. Have your new found best buddy take the brunt of it, sit at range and fire way until the mob is vanquished. That’s what the pets are for, so I didn’t feel sorry for them one bit. Meat shield. *pats*
Having great fun exploring the Elf lands and such, and even more fun taming beasts and stealing their skills, hooo yaaaa.
As you can see from the blogroll over there (—> *points*) I’ve linked a few WOW related sites - BRK and the Hunters mark being exceptional pieces of work and a wealth of imformation, so I’ve been frequenting their installments and learning a great deal from them.
It makes my casual gamer fingers twitch with frustrated agony, and makes me crave the game with rabid ferosity. I shall shrink my need for now and, oh… work!
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