I won’t take credit for these. I’m a big fan of Big Red Kittys hunter blog, and I have definately learnt things from his teachings. I also tried a few of his macro’s and I must say I find them VERY useful.
For any of those who are interested, here are some hunter macros that I use:
Pet Attack with hunters mark
/cast hunters mark
Quite simply, you click the mob, hit this macro button (or key assinged to it), and your pet runs in and hunter mark is cast on the target. What does this mean? It means you only have to hit one button everytime you attack someone, and your bread and butter pet attack and spiffy ranged buff “hunters mark” is sorted. An attack spell/auto shot is not included into this macro because your pet might not get enough threat if you don’t let him growl first. So wait while your pet gets some threat…. then unleash!
Pull shot
/cast arcane shot(Rank 1)
/stop casting
Right, as a hunter you are going to need to lure mobs into traps. To stop the wastage of mana use a rank 1 spell, and also throw in a stop casting so that you don’t accidently break the trap when its snared. Trying to shut off autoshot when running backwards etc is a hassle you don’t need. It keeps threat low, so one hit from someone else after the trap has expired and the mob shouldn’t be heading in your direction. If you want to attack the attention after the ice has broken you can easily interweave Distraction shot into the sequence. This is a low damage high threat shot, and should keep the attention on you. Useful for chain trapping, especially if you are doing something without a tank.
Feign Death
/s Lofgrin is Feigning Death
/cast Feign Death
I’ve not used this one in an instance yet, but it for exactly that purpose. When you feign death, you appear to die, drop all your aggro and the mob will head for the next person on the threat list. The problem with doing it without telling anyone is (a) they might think you have generally died and mourn you instead of fighting and (b) suddenly a mob or group might be heading for a guild member and they had no time to prepare.
So this macro is to replace the Feign Death button, so your party mates know what’s going on. Neat huh.
Change Aspect
/castsequence Aspect of the Hawk, Aspect of the Cheetah
The lazy hunters macro. I flip between these constantly so instead of having two buttons I now have one. I think I might have modified it so that if one aspect was active it would select the other (otherwise sometimes you had to hit it twice). But I can’t remember it, and this does just as well. If you assign it to a button its one less click you need to do. Told you it was lazy.
Forgive me, I can’t remember this one off the top of my head. I think its…
/cast Aspect of the monkey
/cast [name of your melee weapon]
/cast attack
OK, I admit this is a bit of a weak one. For starters you need to spam it three times (as you can’t have /cast activate automatically one after the other). However it does save you looking around for the button where your hand to hand weapon is, then looking for the aspect of the monkey button, and then stabbing away trying to left click on the mob. Bang bang bang on this button, and you’ve changed aspect, pulled out your wang, and bitch slapped your target with it. Not full proof but good enough for me.
If I think of anymore I’ll add them.
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