The Fighting Mongooses have a few new faces and peak times see more activity and chat, which is always good. And more importantly, I was almost level 40 and about to get my first ever mount, and a host of new abilities. Woot!
After only a few minutes of grinding and dinging 40, and made my way straight to the Elven homelands. I already had the money in place for the mount, so without delay I headed for the…. mount distribution… people. After many minutes of agonising, I picked the white striped Frostsabre, and immediately took him out for a ride. And there was much rejoicing.

Quick trip to the Hunter Training to pick up some new skills, and I released myself back into the wild. Armed and mounted. (sounds like a porno).
Without further adu I……. did nothing. I couldn’t remember what area I was working, why I was there, and having reached my goal of lvl 40 I was uninspired! After a quick scout through my questlog I realised that I was once again heading back to Stranglethorn to polish off some quests there. *groan*. I’ve spent so much time in Stranglethorn that I needed a break, and looked for a new area to explore. I happened upon the Swamp of sorrows, and after getting my ass kicked alot (not remembering how to play the game ftl) I hit the heady height of lvl 41. Wait, lvl 41… YYYYEEESSSSS!!! Its another milestone! One I’d been waiting for with much excitement and intrige for a long time. Being lvl 41 allowed me to choose the talent… Bestial Wrath!!!
I grabbed it, set it up on my quick bar, and tested it immediately. Yep, Rufus went all red, and yep for 18 seconds he went postal. I Love it!
So what am I up to now, well I’m feeling pretty good about being back in WoW. The guild is great fun, the only pressure to lvl is from myself, I can now ride around on a giant cat, and I can make my pet go insane at the touch of a button.
Here’s a quick list of things I’m looking to accomplish soon:
- Hit lvl 43 so that I can tame King B. He’s white. Like my mount. You see where I’m going with that?
- Reduce my Stanglethorn quest log and find a new area to hit
- Get a run in Uldaman
- Keep lvl’ing as hard as a casual player can, and hit my other milestone of lvl 60. Then I can finally join a large portion of the guild in old style high end content
That’s all for now. More coming to be added to the list I’m sure.
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