Burning Temptation

I tried. I said to myself when I picked up WoW again all those months ago, that I wouldn’t buy Burning Crusade until I’d reached level 60. I didn’t want to be tempted by Outland and phat-off loot until I’d experienced a large portion of the original content. But the draw to try new alts became to much, and the GAME voucher a got months ago was burning a hole in my pocket. And I succumed. (ooooh errr)

Installing it did not go as smoothly as I’d hoped. I had the whole evening, there was nothing to do except relax, play games, and do whatever.

At approx 17:30 I put in disc 1 of 3 and began the install. Disc 2 entered, and the install progressed, and then 3… good good. “Please enter disc 4?. Ummm…… WTF! There isn’t one! I presumed there was a problem and ended the install, and kicked it off once more. Same issue. Dammit! After trying to put disc 1 back in, and a host of other disc/swearing related efforts - and in the interest of sanity - I decided to download it from Blizzard. It tool an hour. That’s an hour I could have been playing. (edit - I later discovered that disc 4 is in a cardboard sleeve in the other side of the box…. why…. the…. hell).

Once the package was down the install went smoothly. But upon opening the game, it demanded a 500MB patch. No problem, the 1.25G install had only taken around and hour, so I’d be up and playing in…… WHAT!! 3 hours to download!! It was now peak time, and my download speed had been slammed by my ISP. Grrrr, ahhhhhh, C’MON!!

I watched TV. I was not pleased. The patching was done and dusted about 3.5 minutes before I’d planned to hit the sack, so at the moment my first impressions of Burning Crusade are 2 minutes of logging in, checking the AH, and logging out.

Nevermind. Its on now, and the urge to lvl has become even greater. Hurrah


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