Instance experience

Well I got a fair bit of WoW in this weekend. Good by my standards anyway. And I got to run a couple of low level instance with Lofgrin, and a guildie or two.

All in all I’m impressed with how effective a hunter can be in instances, and also how devastating they can be if they do things wrong. Tbh I covered the “wrong” aspects rather comprehensively, and then came back stronger and wiser the second time around.

Ok, things I learned from doing DM. I was with a lvl 60 Warrior, one of the guild founders and a RL mate. I had a quest for Deadmines, and it would produce “The Westfall Tunic”. Good for me. Colbey, my trusty guidey said he’d help me through the instance for the experience of it, and to get me this tunic. *claps*. So off we went…

Things I learnt (of course obvious, but I went in all guns blazing and forgot my training):

  • Don’t pull aggro off the tank - it spells doom for your leatherclad hunter.

  • Remember you have traps and concussive shot when you accidently pull mobs.

  • If in trouble do not change to aspect of the cheetar and run round in one great big circle pulling everything in the room.

  • Do not jump off a ledge with your pet out, he will take the long route and pull every single mob in the instance.

  • Look in corners for silly bloody little elite goblins.


I think that covers most of what got me killed! I got many green (and blue) items from the run, realised a few things about my pet and my coolness under pressure (what pressure, I was running with a 60!), and got the quest done. Interesting experiece (read: embarrassing).

The next run was much better. Stockades. This time I was running with another RL mate, Elendiil - Night Elf Druid, and a hunter guildie around the same level as me - Niyla. Straight off I knew this was going to be a great experience, as Niyla and myself got talking outside the instance about the in’s and out’s of the class. He was MM spec, I was BM. I was confident he knew what he was talking about (not his only character btw), and as we entered it was obvious he knew how to conduct himself from range. From watching and learning, and taking into account the DM run earlier, I managed to:

  • Lays traps when mobs were accidently pulled off the tank

  • Control my DPS so as not to pull aggro

  • Drag targets back to the tank should I get in trouble

  • Control my pet, and send when the tank had aggro’d

  • Avoid any melee, and get to range as quick as possible

  • Be mindful of the surroundings and mobs

  • Target select with to see which mobs were being damaged

  • Wait… wait…. and wait until the tank was only dealing with one target, and then lay down tons of multishot

Satisfaction! No-one died (not even me), loot was grabbed in a logical way (not half way through combat), my pet was useful and not a liability, and I did my job - laid down ranged fire and mitigated mob control. Marvelous!


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