Stranglethorn Tigers

The inspiration for the previous post was in fact because I recently swapped Jeff out for a Stranglethorn Tiger the same level as myself (32). There were a few reasons, the over-riding one being that I wanted to try out the Pet skill Dash (increase pet speed by 40%). To be honest, when I send my pet in to combat I want him there fast so I can start pounding the mob that little bit sooner, and hey, trying new pet skills is fun right?

So I was hunting at the top of Stranglethorn and happened upon a few of these tigers. Around levels 32-33 and all sporting Dash. Once the decision was made I was faced with a logistical problem. I was at the top of Stranglethorn and nowwhere near a stable. Back in the stables I had my original Boar (named Boargasm) - who had served me well in those early levels, and I must admit I find it hard to contemplate his demise. He’s stuck on level 20 - and I could get a far better boar immediately (Belly Grub in Lakeshire springs to mind). But still, no. Not yet. His cheeky face and the fond memories steer my mouse pointer everytime. The other stable slot is occupied by the Ghost Saber I worked so hard for over in Darkshire. Again, the hassle involved in getting that see-through cat was worthy of him being shedded and not releashed back into the wild when I aquired Jeff. So can’t do it yet, can’t show him the door, it took so long to aquire him.

Oh dear, doesn’t look good for Jeff.

Jeff the Lion was actually also a right sod to aquire. I’d hot-tailed it all the way over to the Barrens, often going the wrong way, with the intention of getting a rare black elite lion (a previous post outlines that journey). After discovering it was quite a wait for blacky to spawn (read: 10 hours), I decided to grab one of the vanilla flavoured ones lying around. And Jeff has been my loyal pet for many a level since. In fact, I’ve trained him since he was 15 (now 32). So why don’t you stable Jeff, tame this tiger, get Dash, and train it to Jeff? - I hear you say. I prefer the Tiger skin basically.

As I mentioned there was a locational issue. I was at the top of Stranglethorn and questing hard. I’d have to heathstone it back, then run all the way back to where I was and close to more diffilcult areas. And petless. So, after thinking about it for probably not long enough, I released Jeff from active duty and tamed a lvl 32 Tiger. My thinking being I didn’t need 3 cats (2 stabled - 1 active), and having two cats at identical levels and close skills was just silly (sillier than having two pets stabled that I’ll never use? lol).

The Tiger looks great. Very striking. Dash is just what I wanted - activate it, send pet, and he sprints into combat with a skip in his step and blood on his teeth all that bit quicker. Now I just need a name as classy as Jeff…


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